At Parkers Box I went to John Bjerklie’s Opening. His piece is a month long installation that he will change each day called “When a River Changes Course”. It will only be viewed on tv monitors on folding chairs placed in the front windows. There will be another time in January for the public to walk around inside. Once you go around the wall separating the monitors from the rest of the gallery,you’re confronted with 2 piles of debris 1 painted red , 1 painted blue with security video cameras embedded in them. On the walls behind each pile are drop cloths painted red and blue, dividing the space into the hot zone and the cool zone. The piles of debris are the remains of John’s most recent presentation of hi Hothead/Coolhead sculpture at UNC Greensboro in North Carolina.
I got to speak with John and a group of other people including an artist Michael (who was assisting him with the installation) and a Dutch woman who said she saw the piece as a political reference to the electoral politics. The message I took away with me
was that it reflected a culture divided, heads blown apart , over analyzed by technology.
I loved peering into the monitors to try to discover where I was in relationship to all the debris. I hope everyone has as much fun with it.
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