So, on the 4th floor at MOMA is their late 20th C. collection. After leaving the Beuys area
I wandered and came upon De Kooning's Woman. Hanging next to it was a painting by Lee Krasner. I was stopped dead in my tracks, overcome with the pink and the gray. I recalled the time I went to see the Pollock/Krasner show at Robert Miller Gallery. On the very back wall of the gallery was a huge pink painting (at least 15'H x30'W) and a little girl of 3 was there with her Mom.
The girl was dressed in a beautiful mint green flowery dress and she broke free of her Mom's grasp and ran full tilt at the huge pink painting, giggling all the way until she stopped, enthralled just 6" from the painting. For me Lee Krasner became a giant in that moment and next to De Kooning's 'Woman' at MOMA her painting delivered just as big.
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